Famous Dachshund Dog Names

Unisex german dachshund names.
Famous dachshund dog names. This name a shortened version of jebediah is a lovely hebrew name that means beloved friend great for a wiener dog name. Wadl hexl two famous dachshunds owned by kaiser wilhelm ii chico this pretty pooch belonged to einstein blakie belonging to the actor john wayne who. Dachshund names don t have to be hot dog shape based names sausage dog names. Weighing in at only 16 32 lbs and standing a mere 8 9 inches tall the dachshund is.
When you imagine a dachshund you probably think of the little shorthaired brown dogs. Helen william randolph hearst s dachshund greta dita von teese s dachshund. This comedic name is very popular name for a dachshund dog. According to the american kennel club the dachshund ranks 12 in popularity out of 191 breeds.
Cute dachshund names angel baby bubbles butterscotch charm chip cocoa cookie cutie dolly fifi giggles honey lolly ludo mocha niggles paws pickle pippin pixie popcorn precious scoot skittles skip smidge sparky speedy sweetie tot trifle twiglet twinkle waffles. Dachshunds are immediately recognizable. Check out the complete names list and select the best one. Comment the name which you select.
Einstein albert einstein once had a doxie named chico king otto the great king frederick friedrich king reinhold rapunzel long haired dachshund briar rose kaiser wilhelm ii the emperor actually had dachshunds named hexl and senta when they visited archduke franz. Dachshunds have a unique disposition and a bold temperament. Dachshund names 150 awesome wiener dog names dachshund names inspired by size. Top 10 female dachshund names 2020.
These dogs are unbeatably unique thanks to their long back and tiny short legs. Famous dachshund names kurtze beiner this means short legs in german this stumpy pup belongs to the famous actor and heartthrob marlon. These female dachshund names hail from famous dachshunds and their owners pop culture mythology and of course social media doxie stars. This popular dachshund dogs names are collected from the popular most used and famous names of dachshund breed.
Location names are great for dogs and paris the city of love is a beautiful choice for your beloved dachshund.